Winter Porch Pots
Winter Porch Pots
Friday, December 6
10 am – 12 pm
Don’t put away your porch pots just yet, but join Allison Webb Schweiger and
diameter pot or larger from home or purchase one at the garden center. (Make
sure you’ll be able to fit your completed pot in your car.) Heavy, ceramic pots are
best to combat our wild Delaware winds. We supply the ribbon, decorative balls,
pine cones and greens. Bring lights if you wish and don’t forget gloves.
Alison Webb AIFD was inducted into the American Institute of Floral Designers (AIFD)
in 1985, while working and living in Baltimore, Maryland. Upon retirement from the
floral industry she moved to the Maryland/Delaware coast and has transitioned her
floral love into plants, particularly natives.