Table Top Trees
Table Top Tree Workshop
Wednesday, December 11
Friday, December 13
10 am – 12 pm
Alison Webb
What could be more charming than a delightfully decorated miniature tabletop
Christmas Tree of cut evergreens, primarily boxwood, and other natural seasonal
additions that will last through out the holiday season. Learn how to construct,
shape and decorate your own long lasting tree. Table Top trees are the perfect gift
for shut-ins or folks with a small space. Feel free to bring your own miniature
holiday lights and decorations to enhance your design. Sharp clippers and a paring
knife are a must!
Refreshments provided
Adult Class. Limit 8
Alison Webb AIFD was inducted into the American Institute of Floral Designers
(AIFD) in 1985 while working and living in Baltimore, Maryland. Upon retirement
from the floral industry, she moved to the Maryland/Delaware coast and has
transitioned her floral love into plants, particularly natives. She has worked with
Inland Bays Garden Center for 5 years.