June in the Gallery

Art is the perfect way to capture Coastal Life and keep it alive all year long.  Our three artists have done just that using ceramic flowers, unique garden stepping stones and “pigments of the imagination”.

Margie Samero – Stepping Stones began in 2000 when a close friend gave Margie a big bucket of stained glass scraps and said “here, maybe you can make something with this someday”.  She quickly fell in love with all the beautiful glass.  It was glass made by a Pennsylvania Art Glass manufacture called Youghiogheny.  The easiest thing she could think of was to stick the glass into concrete and make a garden decoration. So “Stepp9ng Stones: was born.

Margie begins the process with a big sheet of stained glass.  She traces her original pattern onto the glass then cuts it by hand.  Next comes a special type of concrete mixed by hand.   The concrete is poured into a mold and the glass is placed on top. Every stone gets a glass border and no border is alike making every stone one of kind.   Margie is literally decorating yards across America one at a time.

Dot Truitt – “Growing up on the shore we were very isolated.  If the hardware store or Sears did not have what you wanted you made it!  My favorite shamrocks would get leggy in the winter so I began making them from clay on bamboo sticks.”  At 86 Dot’s ceramic flowers make a perfect bouquet.

Carol Gentes – owner of Pigment of the Imagination with her popular “dotted art” pieces and a limited series of her sought-after painted rocks. Some say the dotted art pieces look bejeweled, because the drops of paint create a unique textural quality to the finished artwork. Each “dot” is carefully applied to the canvas or wood surface with a metal needle or the flat end of a drill bit. The painted rocks are created with outdoor paint and varnish, perfect for a fun accent in your garden. New pieces will be added throughout the month of June.

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