Our three favorite native picks for this month are unique in their own way. Each one is a fabulous choice for lanscaping with native plants since they will bring an abundance of wildlife to your backyard.
Corylus americana –American Hazelnut
Great used as a hedge or in a naturalized woodland setting where it has room to spread. Beginning now to produce its “filberts” or hazelnuts — which are edible! Birds love them too making this a great pick for habitat gardening. Will thrive in full sun to part shade. Can reach a height of 16 feet with a spread of 13 feet.

Lobelia cardinalis – Cardinal Flower
Beautiful bright red flower that hummingbirds depend on for late summer nectar. Adaptable plant, thrives in wet to dry soil and thrives in full sun to shade.

Cephalanthus occidentalis Sugar Shack®– Buttonbush
This smaller Proven Winners Buttonbush stays more compact than the straight species. Does its best in moist, wet soil making it a great shrub for rain gardens. Unique globe flowers attract many pollinators of all types. Thrives in part sun to full sun and reaches a height of 2-3 feet.