From the Garden: Summer Crudite Shots

The concept of a blog is very new to me but cooking and gardening certainly aren’t. They’ve been a love of mine since I was very young. I hope in the following weeks to share with you simple and creative ways to share the joys of both.

One of my favorite ways to feature early spring vegetables from the garden are little crudites shots. The shots are plastic cups available from Amazon or the dollar store if available. If you’d like to be fancy small glass shot glasses are also an option The contents include whatever your garden has to offer whether it be snap peas, green beans, radishes, baby carrots, supplemented by what you might find at the farmers market. I love to garnish them with herbs as they add a different texture and a lovely aroma. The finishing touch of course is putting it all together. I’ve just used a simple galvanized tray and some outer leaves from savoy cabbage.

Now get ready to enjoy the complements from your guests 🙂


Sandy Daniels is the Event Coordinator for Inland Bays Garden Center. When she’s not in the garden you can find her in her kitchen whipping up seasonal culinary delights – of course from the garden!

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